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Conference Proceedings

  1. Forbes, A., & Dudley, A. L. (2022, March). The creation and control of structured light with digital micro-mirror devices. In Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications XIV (p. PC1201408). SPIE. click here

  2. Piccardo, M., De Oliveira, M., Toma, A., Aglieri, V., Forbes, A., & Ambrosio, A. (2022, March). Vortex crystals with dynamic topologies. In Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI (p. PC120170Y). SPIE. click here

  3. Moodley, C., Sephton, B., Rodríguez-Fajardo, V., & Forbes, A. (2022, May). Fast neural-network-enhanced quantum imaging. In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science (pp. FM1C-5). Optica Publishing Group. click here

  4. Kritzinger, A., Rodríguez-Fajardo, V., Nsibande, S. A., Forbes, P. B., & Forbes, A. (2022, May). A vectorial structured light holographic optical trap for control of fluorescent particles. In Mesophotonics: Physics and Systems at Mesoscale (Vol. 12152, pp. 63-70). SPIE. click here

  5. Forbes, A. (2022, August). Generation of structured laser beams. In Mesophotonics: Physics and Systems at Mesoscale. SPIE. click here

  6. Moodley, C., & Forbes, A. (2022, October). Quantum imaging gets super smart. In Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XX (Vol. 12238, pp. 5-13). SPIE. click here

  7. Nape, I., & Forbes, A. (2022, October). Dynamic generation of polarization-spatial hybrid entangled states. In Laser Beam Shaping XXII. SPIE. click here

  8. Moodley, C., & Forbes, A. (2022, October). Does quantum ghost imaging need a camera to image an object?. In Laser Beam Shaping XXII (Vol. 12218, pp. 7-17). SPIE. click here

  9. Mohapi, L., Dudley, A., & Forbes, A. (2022, October). Simulating Multi-Level Structures for Structured Light With a Spatial Light Modulator. In Laser Science (pp. JTu5A-19). Optica Publishing Group. click here

  10. Rodríguez-Fajardo, V., & Forbes, A. (2022, October). Surface metrology in the nanometric regime with structured light. In Frontiers in Optics (pp. FTu1E-3). Optica Publishing Group. click here

  11. Harrison, J., Forbes, A., & Naidoo, D. (2022, December). Thermal aberrations of higher-order OAM beams using compact end-pumped crystal rod MOPA’s. In Laser Applications Conference (pp. JTu6A-11). Optica Publishing Group. click here

  12. Dudley, A. L. (2022, April). Exotic polarisation control with digital micromirror devices. In Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXIV (p. PC119870I). SPIE. click here

  13. Dudley, A. L. (2022, October). Controlling spatial and polarization structures with digital micromirror devices. In Laser Beam Shaping XXII. SPIE. click here

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