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  1. Septhon B., et. al (2019). Spatial mode detection by frequency up-conversion, Optics Letters 44, 586-589. click here (editor’s selection)

  2. Forbes A., and Rodriguez-Fajardo V. (2019). Super-resolution with quantum light, Nature Photonics 13, 76-78. click here

  3. Ndagano B., and Forbes A. (2019). Entanglement distillation by Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with orbital angular momentum states, APL Photonics 4, 016103. click here (editor’s selection)

  4. Sroor H., Naidoo D., Miller S., Nelson J., Courtial J. and Forbes A. (2019). Fractal light from lasers, Phys. Rev. A 99, 013848. click here (feature story by Nature Photonics, editor’s selection; national and international news story including,, ScienceDaily, Science News, TheConversation, EurekAlert etc, and selected as top 30 optics highlights of 2019 by OPN)

  5. Forbes A., Aiello A., and Ndagano B. (2019). Classically entangled light, Progress in Optics 64, 99-144. click here (invited paper)

  6. Konrad T. and Forbes A. (2019). Quantum mechanics and classical light, Contemporary Physics 60, 1-22. click here (invited paper)

  7. Toninelli E., et. al. (2019). Quantum state tomography: quantum concepts and classical implementation with intense light, Advances in Optics and Photonics 11,67-134. click here (top 10 most downloaded paper)

  8. Kumar V., Rosales-Guzman C., Rai M.R., Rosen J., Minin O., Minin I., and Forbes A. (2019). Generation of structured light by multilevel orbital angular momentum holograms, Optics Express 27, 6459-6470. click here

  9. Cox M., Toninelli E., Cheng L., Padgett M.J., and Forbes A. (2019). A high-speed wavelength invariant single pixel wavefront sensor with a digital micromirror device, IEEE Access 7,85860-85866. click here

  10. Mphuthi N., Gailele L., Litvin I., Dudley A., Botha R. and Forbes A. (2019). Free-space optical communication link with shape invariant orbital angular momentum Bessel beams, Applied Optics 58, 4258-4264. click here

  11. Lazarev G., Chen P-J., Strauss J., Fontaine N. and Forbes A. (2019). Beyond the display: phase-only liquid crystal on silicon devices and their applications in photonics, Optics Express 27, 16206-16249. click here (invited paper)

  12. Pinnell J., Rodriguez-Fajardo V., and Forbes A. (2019). Quantitative orbital angular momentum measurement of perfect vortex beams, Optics Letters 44, 2736-2739. click here

  13. Toninelli E., Cox M., Gibson G., Brown S., Edgar M., Forbes A. and Padgett M.J. (2019). A compact acoustic spanner to rotate macroscopic objects, Scientific Reports 9,6757. click here

  14. Pierce J., Webster J., Larocque H., Karimi E., McMorran B., and Forbes A. (2019). Coiling free electron matter waves, New Journal of Physics 21,043018. click here (editor’s selection)

  15. Sephton B., Dudley A., Ruffato G., Romanato F., Marrucci L., Padgett M., Goyal S., Roux F., Konrad T., and Forbes A. (2019). A versatile quantum walk resonator with bright classical light, Plos One 14, e0214891. click here

  16. Sroor H., Litvin I., Naidoo D., and Forbes A. (2019). Amplification of higher order Poincare sphere beams through Nd:YLF and Nd:YAG crystals, Appl. Phys. B 125, 49. click here

  17. Cox M., Maqondo L., Kara R., Milione G., Cheng L. and Forbes A. (2019). The resilience of Hermite- and Laguerre-Gaussian modes in turbulence, J. Lightwave Tech. 37,3911-3917. click here (invited paper)

  18. Bornman N., Prabhakar S., Valles A., Leach J. and Forbes A. (2019). Ghost imaging with engineered quantum states by Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, New Journal of Physics 21,073044. click here (featured paper)

  19. Bornman N., Agnew M., Zhu F., Valles A., Forbes A. and Leach J. (2019). Ghost imaging using entanglement-swapped photons, npj Quantum Information 5, 63. click here

  20. Pinnell J., Rodriguez-Fajardo V., and Forbes A. (2019). Single-step shaping of the orbital angular momentum of light, Optics Express 27, 28009-28021. click here

  21. Zhao B., Xiao B., Rodriguez-Fajardo V., Zhu Z., Gao W., Forbes A., and Rosales-Guzman C. (2019). Real-time Stokes polarimetry using a digital micromirror device, Optics Express 27, 31087-31093. click here

  22. Mabena C. and Roux F.S. (2019). Optical orbital angular momentum under strong scintillation, Phys. Rev A 99, 013828. click here

  23. Pinnell J., Rodriguez-Fajardo V., and Forbes A. (2019). How perfect are perfect vortex beams?, Optics Letters 44, 5614-5617. click here (most downloaded paper)

  24. Forbes A. and Nape I. (2019). Quantum mechanics with patterns of light: progress in high dimensional and multi-dimensional entanglement with structured light, AVS Quantum 1(1), 011701. click here (invited paper and front cover of the journal)

  25. Forbes A. (2019). Structured light from lasers, Laser & Photonics Reviews 13(11), 1970043. click here (invited paper and front cover of the journal)

  26. Bornman N., Kempf A., and Forbes A. (2019). Quantum imaging using relativistic detectors, Phys. Rev. D 100, 125004. click here

  27. Seylem A., Rosales-Guzman C., Croke S., Forbes A. and Franke-Arnold S. (2019). Basis independent tomography of complex vectorial light fields by Stokes projections, Phys. Rev, A 100, 063842. click here

  28. Konrad T. and Roux F.S. (2019). Superoscillations: a scale physics perspective, J. of Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (46), 465202. click here

  29. Forbes A. (2019). Common optics for uncommon light: vector beams from GRIN lenses, Light: Science and Applications 8, 111. click here (invited perspective)

  30. Abadi M., Cox M., Alsaigh R., Viola S., Forbes A., and Lavery M. (2019). A space division multiplexed free-space-optical communication system that can auto-locate and fully self align with a remote transceiver, Scientific Reports 9, 19687. click here

  31. Scholes S., Kara R., Pinnell J., Rodriguez-Fajardo V., and Forbes A. (2019). Structured light with digital micro-mirror devices: a guide to best practice, Optical Engineering 59(4), 041202. click here

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