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  1. Nape I, Kyeremah C, Vallés A, Rosales-Guzmán C, Buah-Bassuah P, and Forbes A. (2018). A hybrid quantum eraser scheme for characterization of free-space and fiber communication channels, Optics Communications 408, 53-57. click here (invited paper)

  2. Ndagano N., Nape I, Cox M., Rosales-Guzmán C. and Forbes A. (2018). Creation and detection of vector vortex modes for classical and quantum communication, J. Lightwave Technology 36, 1-10. click here (invited paper)

  3. Sroor H., Lisa N., Naidoo D., Litvin I. and Forbes A. (2018). Purity of vector vortex beams through a birefringent amplifier, Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 044010. click here

  4. Haddadi S., Bouzid  O., Fromager M., Harfouche A., Cagniot E., Forbes A., and Ait-Ameur K. (2018). Structured Laguerre-Gaussian beams for mitigation of spherical aberration in tightly focused regimes, J. Optics 20, 045602. click here

  5. Otte E., Rosales-Guzman C., Ndagano B., Denz C. and Forbes A. (2018). Entanglement beating in free space through spin-orbit coupling, Light: Science & Application 7, 18009 click here

  6. Lavery M., et al. (2018). Tackling Africa’s digital divide, Nature Photonics 12, 249-252. click here (national news story)

  7. Mphuthi N., Botha R., and Forbes A (2018). Are Bessel beams resilient to aberrations and turbulence?, JOSA A 36, 1021. click here (editor’s selection/highlighted paper, top 10 most downloaded paper)

  8. Perez-Garcia B., Hernandez-Aranda R., Forbes A., and Konrad T. (2018). The first iteration of Grover’s algorithm using classical light with orbital angular momentum, J. Mod. Opt. 65(16), 1942-1948. click here

  9. Nkosi B., Rosales-Guzman C. and Forbes A. (2018). Classical and quantum analysis of propagation invariant vector flat-top beams, Appl. Opt. 57, 5451. click here

  10. Ruffato G., Girardi M., Massari M., Mafakheri E., Sephton B., Capaldo P., Forbes A., and Romanato F. (2018). A compact diffractive sorter for high-resolution demultiplexing of orbital angular momentum beams, Scientific Reports 8, 10248. click here

  11. Naidoo D., Litvin I. and Forbes A. (2018). Brightness enhancement in a solid-state laser by mode transformation, Optica 5, 386. click here

  12. Cox M., Cheng L., Rosales-Guzman C. and Forbes A. (2018). Modal diversity for robust free-space optical communications, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 024020. click here

  13. Nape I., Otte E., Valles A., Rosales-Guzman C., Cardano F., Denz C. and Forbes A. (2018). Self-healing high-dimensional quantum key distribution using hybrid spin-orbit Bessel states, Optics Express 28, 26946-26960. click here

  14. Prabhakar S, Mabena C, Konrad K, and Roux F. (2018). Turbulence and the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013835. click here

  15. Roux F. (2018). Combining spatio-temporal and particle-number degrees of freedom, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043841. click here

  16. Sorelli G., Shatckhin V.N., Roux F., and Buchleitner A. (2018). Diffraction-induced entanglement loss of orbital angular momentum states, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013835. click here

  17. Mabena C, and Roux F. (2018). High-dimensional quantum channel estimation using classical light, Phys. Rev. A 96, 053860. click here

  18. Otte E., Nape I., Valles A., Rosales-Guzman C., Cardano F., Denz C. and Forbes A. (2018). Recovery of nonseparability in self-healing vector Bessel beams, Phys. Rev. A 98, 053818. click here

  19. Dorrah A., Rosales-Guzman C., Forbes A., and Mojahedi M. (2018). Evolution of orbital angular momentum in three-dimensional structured light, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043846. click here

  20. Nkosi B., Williams P.A.C., Rosales-Guzman C., Rodriguez-Fajardo V. and Forbes A. (2018). A vector holographic optical trap, Scientific Reports 8, 17387. click here

  21. Ndagano B., and Forbes A. (2018). Characterization and mitigation of information loss in a six-state quantum key distribution protocol with spatial modes of light through turbulence, Phys. Rev. A 98, 062330. click here

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