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  1. Forbes A. (2017). Controlling light’s helicity at the source: orbital angular momentum states from lasers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375, 20150436. click here (invited contribution)

  2. Rubinsztein-Dunlop H, Forbes A. et. al. (2017). Roadmap on structured light, J. Opt. 19, 013001. click here (invited contribution and joint editor for paper)

  3. Ndagano B, Perez-Garcia B. Roux FS, McLaren M, Rosales-Guzman C, Zhang Y., Mouane O., Hernandez-Aranda R, Konrad and Forbes A. (2017). Characterising quantum channels with non-separable states of classical light, Nature Physics 13, 397. click here (major on-line news stories including, TechCentralEureka Alert etc.)

  4. Webster J., Rosales-Guzman C., and Forbes A. (2017). Radially dependent angular acceleration of twisted light, Optics Letters 42, 675. click here (top 10 most downloaded paper)

  5. Zhan Q. and Forbes A. (2017). Editorial for special issue on complex optical fields, Chinese Optics Letters 15, 030001. click here (guest editor)

  6. McLaren M. and Forbes A.  (2017). Digital spiral-slit for bi-photon imaging, J. Opt. 19, 044006. click here (invited contribution)

  7. Ismail Y., Joshi S., Forbes A. and Petruccione F.  (2017). Instrumentation limitation on a polarization-based entangled photon source, JOSA B 34, 1084. click here (editor’s pick)

  8. Nape I., Ndagano B. and Forbes A. (2017). Erasing the orbital angular momentum information of a photon, Phys. Rev. A. 95, 053859. click here

  9. Roux F.S. (2017). Biphoton states in correlated turbulence, Phys. Rev. A. 95, 023809. click here

  10. Vetter C., Dudley A., Szameit A., and Forbes A. (2017). Real and virtual propagation dynamics of angular accelerating white light beams, Optics Express 25, 20530. click here

  11. Zhang Y, Agnew M, Roger T. Roux F.S., Konrad T, Faccio D., Leach J,, and Forbes A. (2017). Simultaneous entanglement swapping of multiple orbital angular momentum states of light, Nature Communications 8, 632. click here (major international news story including,, OPN, Business Day, Beeld etc.)

  12. Ndagano B., Mphuthi N., Milione G. and Forbes A. (2017). Comparing mode-crosstalk and mode-dependent loss of laterally displaced orbital angular momentum and Hermite–Gaussian modes for free-space optical communication, Optics Letters 42, 4175. click here

  13. Rosales-Guzmán C., Bhebhe N. and Forbes A. (2017). Simultaneous generation of multiple vector beams on a single SLM, Optics Express 25, 25697. click here (top 10 most downloaded paper)

  14. Rosales-Guzmán C., Bhebhe N. and Forbes A. (2017). Multiplexing 200 spatial modes with a single hologram, J. Optics 19, 113501. click here

  15. Ndagano B., Nape I., Perez-Garcia B., Scholes S., Hernandez-Aranda R., Konrad T., Lavery M. and Forbes A. (2017). A deterministic detector for vector vortex states, Scientific Reports 7, 13882. click here

  16. Mabena C.M. and Roux F.S. (2017). High-dimensional quantum channel estimation using classical light, Phys. Rev. A. 96, 053860. click here

  17. Bouzid O. et. al. (2017). Focusing anomalies with binary diffractive optical elements, Appl. Optics 56, 9735. click here

  18. Nape I, Kyeremah C, Vallés A, Rosales-Guzmán C, Buah-Bassuah P, and Forbes A. (2018). A hybrid quantum eraser scheme for characterization of free-space and fiber communication channels, Optics Communications 408, 53-57. click here

  19. Ndagano N., Nape I, Cox M., Rosales-Guzmán C. and Forbes A. (2018). Creation and detection of vector vortex modes for classical and quantum communication, J. Lightwave Technology 36, 1-10. click here

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