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  1. Burger L., Litvin I., Ngcobo S., and Forbes A. (2015). Implementation of a spatial light modulator for intracavity beam shaping, J. Optics 17, 015604. click here (editor’s selected paper of the week (January); highlighted work in JOPT 2015 summary)

  2. Bruning R., Ngcobo S., Duparre M., and Forbes A. (2015). Direct fiber excitation with a digitally controlled solid state laser source, Optics Letters 40(3), 435-438. click here

  3. McLaren M.G., Roux F.S., and Forbes A. (2015). Realising high-dimensional quantum entanglement with orbital angular momentum, South African Journal of Science 111, 2013-0322. click here

  4. Milione G., Ngyen T.A., Alfano R.R., Ruffner D.B., Grier D.G., Dudley A., Forbes A., Karimi E., Slussarenko S., and Marrucci L. (2015). Measuring the self-healing of the spatially inhomogeneous states of polarization of vector Bessel beams, J. Optics 17, 035617. click here

  5. Schultz C, Roux F.S., Dudley A., Rop R. Duparre M., and Forbes A. (2015). Accelerated rotation of orbital angular momentum modes, Phys. Rev A. 91, 043821. click here (editor’s selected paper; featured a new stories by,,, Optics and Photonics News, News24, TechCentral and many more. Ranked 10th out of ~5000 papers by the APS)

  6. Perez-Garcia B., Francis J., McLaren M., Hernandez-Aranda R.I., Forbes A. and Konrad T. (2015). Quantum computation with classical light: The Deutsch Algorithm, Phys. Lett. A. 379, 1675. click here

  7. Ndagano B., Bruning R.,McLaren M., Duparre M.,  Forbes A. (2015) Fiber propagation of vector modes, Opt. Express 23, 17330. click here

  8. Naidoo D., Fromager M., Ait-Ameur K. and Forbes A. (2015). Radially polarized cylindrical vector beams from a monolithic microchip laser, Opt. Eng. 54, 111304. click here

  9. Litvin I., Burger L. and Forbes A. (2015) Self-healing of Bessel-like beams with longitudinally dependent cone angles, J. Opt. 17, 105614. click here

  10. Litvin I., Mhlanga T. and Forbes A. (2015) Digital generation of shape-invariant Bessel-like beams, Opt. Express 23, 7312-7319. click here

  11. Bruning R., Zhang Y., McLaren M., Duparre M., and Forbes A. (2015). Overlap relation between free-space Laguerre Gaussian modes and step-index fiber modes, JOSA A 32(9), 1678-1682. click here

  12. Masina B., Lafane S., Wu L., Abdelli-Messaci S, Kerdja T. and Forbes A. (2015). Optimising the synthesis of vanadium-oxygen nanostructures by plasma plume dynamics using optical imaging, Opt. Eng. 54, 037106. click here

  13. Masina B., Lafane S., Wu L., Akande A., Mwakikunga B., Abdelli-Messaci S, Kerdja T. and Forbes A. (2015). Phase-selective vanadium dioxide (VO2) nanostructured thin films by pulsed laser deposition, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 165308. click here

  14. Goyal S.K., Roux F.S., Forbes A., and Konrad T. (2015). Implementing multidimensional quantum walks using linear optics and classical light, Phys. Rev. A 92, 040302. click here (rapid communication)

  15. McLaren M.G., Konrad T., and Forbes A. (2015). Measuring the non-separability of vector vortex beams, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023833. click here (selected image for highlight page)

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